A little while ago I caught up with singer songwriter Hollie Schultz at her home. I was surprised to find out that Emma Nobbe was also there as they rehearsed for a gig. I had a great time getting to know these two talented performers. We get into some of their individual stories of getting here today. We also talk about losing loved ones. Hollie plays a couple live acoustic tunes and we get into the stories behind these songs. Emma talked a bit about her latest LETTERS FROM EARTH EP and when we might expect some new music. 

On this episode you'll hear:

  • Hollie Schultz "Summer" (Live Acoustic)
  • Hollie Schultz "Like Before" (Live Acoustic)
  • Emma Nobbe "Into The Fog" 
  • Hollie Schultz "Bubby"

Find more music from Hollie Schultz & Emma Nobbe on your favorite streaming platform! Follow along with them on Facebook & Instagram. 

See them LIVE

Hollie Schultz

April 13 at Mississippi Culture

1st Friday at Seamus McDaniels

4th Friday at Chillax St.Peters

Emma Nobbe 

April 12 at City Foundry STL

April 13 at Four Brothers Mead 



Thank you to Friendship Brewing Company in Wentzville, MO and Flint Hill, MO for their continued support! Stop in for some delicious food or grab a couple of canned beers to take home. Be sure to come visit them for all your craft beer needs. Over 25 rotating taps, all sorts of tasty eats! Live music every weekend FBC Wentzville 4/11 Singo Bingo: Boy Bands & Girl Gangs 4/12 Michael Marciano 4/13 Josh Littig (7-10p)  FLI-HI Music: 4/12 James Bertels (7-10p) 4/13 Songs For Heroes w/ John Eason & Zach Henard (7-10p) FriendshipBrewingCo.com

Direct download: HollieSchultzEmmaNobbeRPP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm CST