Episode 229- Calvin Tiger

Last week I went by Calvin Tiger's home to sit and talk with about Ursa Major, rapping & the art of rap, Barnfest, and a lot more!

Check out Calvin's band Ursa Major at UrsaMajor.bandcamp.com. They have a music video for "Bridges" filmed by Cavlin.

See them LIVE

6/12 - The Paramount, OKC, OK
6/13 - The Fur Shop, Tulsa, OK
6/14 - The Jackpot Music Hall, Lawrence, KS
6/15 - The Rats Nest, Mt. Olive, IL
6/16 - The House Cafe, DeKalb, IL
6/17 - Broke Haus, Minneapolis, MN
6/18 - The Barn, Rochester, IN

7/16 at Barnfest in Troy, MO

Follow the band on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Thanks to Music Record Shop for sponsoring the show!

Listen to Rock Paper Podcast on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music or ROCKPAPERPODCAST.com


Direct download: CalvinTigerRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:06pm CST