Episode 237- Mikey Manker

Last week Comedian Mikey Manker came back home to St.Louis from Chicago. I invited him to come on the show and hang out for a bit. We sat at the Backstreet Jazz & Blues bar connected to the St.Louis Funny Bone.

We talked about how Mikey started in comedy, moving to Chicago, Oasis, hockey and much more. Check out Mikey's 2 albums "Beg, Borrow & Steal" & "Voyageur" on ITunes, Amazon and StandUpRecords.com

Follow Mikey on Twitter & Facebook.

Listen on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or ROCKPAPERPODCAST.com

Direct download: MikeyMakerRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:45pm CST