Episode 269- The Daisy Ad ORH

This episode was recorded LIVE from Jackal Fest on July 30th inside the green room of the The Bootleg at Atomic Cowboy. You'll hear a bit of Boys Club sound checking in the background.

Gavin McNutt, Tony Bertoglio, Jeremy Reidy & Dylan Doughty joined me talk about their show coming up at Old Rock House!

Don't miss The Old Souls Revival, Mt. Thelonious & The Daisy Ad August 27th Saturday night at Old rock House. $8

On this episode you'll also hear

The Old Souls Revival "I Will Let You In"
The Daisy Ad "Let Down (Live)"

To hear more songs check them out on Bandcamp.com. Follow the bands on Facebook & Instagram.



Direct download: DaisyAdORHRPP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm CST