Episode 319- The Woodshed

Stopped in to visit with some friends Sean Canan, Laren Loveless & Alex Baisch the other night and talk about their new project The Woodshed: A Rock N Roll Game Show. We talk about how this idea started, some of the wonderful guests they've had on the show already, their first LIVE show coming up, some of the games they play and they even play a little Rock n Roll Dead Pan Pyramid with me.

Get your tickets TODAY for the first live taping of The Woodshed at Off Broadway on Monday December 5th with special guests The Mighty Pines vs Old Salt Union. Tickets are available at OffBroadwaySTL.com

Be sure to check out their Facebook page for some videos of the first 3 episodes.

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Direct download: WoodshedRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:41am CST