The other day I stopped by Suburban Pro Studios in St.Louis, MO to talk with Jason & Scott of My Posse In Effect, a Beastie Boys Tribute band. We talk about the idea to form the band, their start, learning these songs, first albums and upcoming shows!

20170402_182054Jason Karr (MCA) and Scott Rivers (Mike D) of My Posse In Effect: A Beastie Boys Tribute

See My Posse In Effect LIVE

4/15 at Delmar Hall in St.Louis, MO

4/28 at The Blue Note in Columbia, MO

11/22 at The Ready Room in St.Louis, MO

Follow My Posse In Effect on Facebook for more dates!

Listen to Rock Paper Podcast on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or click PLAY



Thanks to Gaslight for all of their support with this show. Check out and schedule a tour today if you haven’t been by there. It’s a beautiful recording studio attached to a bar!  Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. .

12342578_182933895386709_6687088724347852320_nAlso big thanks to Music Record Shop for supporting the show!! They relocated to .ZACK on Locust now, so swing by and check out their new location! New records in every Friday. Shop online 24/7 at Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! Come out 4/22 for RECORD STORE DAY!


Direct download: MyPosseInEffectRPP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm CST