I recently met up with new group Modern Gold at Encapsulated Studios in St.Louis, MO to talk about how the group formed, recording their debut EP with Matt Amelung & Gabe Usery at Encapsulated, jam some live acoustic tunes, share some stories behind the songs and so much more!

Modern Gold is (Left to Right): Mikey (Drums), Ethan (Guitar), Andrew (Vocals/Guitar), Danny (Bass) & Avi (Vocals)

On this episode you'll hear 3 live acoustic songs

  • Better Things
  • Birds & The Bees
  • Smoke

Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Keep an eye out for their debut coming late Fall.

Listen to Rock Paper Podcast on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music apps or click PLAY


Thanks to Music Record Shop for their support! New records in every Friday! Visit them at their new location in the Dotzack Building. Shop online 24/7 at MusicRecordShop.com.



Direct download: ModernGoldRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:25am CST