This weekend I took a drive to Bethalto, IL to meet up with the guys of Out Amongst The Masses at Redwood Studios where we met up with their producer/engineer (and past gust of the show!) Michael Bivens. We get into their brand new EP, debut a new track off of it, stories behind some of the songs, what it was like for them all working together, their big Release Party coming up, and we play some live acoustic tunes!

On this episode you'll hear

  • Consequences (Live acoustic)
  • 10-44
  • Thrown (Live acoustic)

Join OUT AMONGST THE MASSES for their ASCENSION EP RELEASE PARTY at Pop's in Sauget, IL on Saturday June 2nd with special guests Silent Hollow, Skydweller, Divide The Empire & Conquer As They Come. Doors at 6p. Happy Hour with drink specials and live acoustic music from 6-7. Show at 7p. 

Head over to right now for tickets, CDs, Shirts, Coozies and more! For $20 you can get a shirt, CD, and a ticket to the party! 

Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! ASCENSION EP will be available soon on all your digital platforms.


Direct download: OATM2RPP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:17pm CST