Episode 87- CaveofswordS

I was able to sit and talk with Sunyatta, Kevin, and Eric of CaveofswordS the other night. We discussed their sound, the new record SIGILS, and dreaming.

Pick up CaveofswordS latest albumSIGILS on cd or vinyl at Music Record Shop in St.Louis, or ITunes. On this episode hear two tracks from the album "Aviation Administration" and "Datura". 

See them live

7/30 at The Heavy Anchor w/ Search Parties & Curse of Cassandra

8/15 Rock The Hops Festival Alton, IL

8/15 at The Demo 

9/26 Strange Folk Festival at Union Station

Find all dates on CaveofswordS.com. Find them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram



Direct download: CaveofswordsRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:24pm CST