A little while back I had the opportunity to sit with my buddy Patrick Boos. I've been friendly with Pat for a while since we met at Beyond FM but this was the first time we've already just sat and talked. It was nice to get to deep dive into his story, his love of radio & music. We also talk about his weigh loss journey. He has an incredible story of losing 200 lbs already! 

Follow along with Pat on Instagram! Find him on Beyond FM, download the app today! http://www.beyondfm.net 

Want to help support the show? Check out the merch store at http://www.byjack.com/rockpaperpodcast

Also big thank you to Roughneck Beard Company for all their support of this show. All natural products, locally made in St.Louis, MO. Shop 24/7 at RoughneckBeardCompany.com and use my code RPP15 for 15% off your favorite beard oils, balms, junk powder or anything else. If you are in St.Louis, stop by their store in Maplewood, MO.

Direct download: PatBRPP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33am CST