A bit ago I caught up with my buddy Jeremy Reidy to talk about his new project Igor Death. We sat in his new van that he turned into his home as he gears up to travel around the country. We talked all about his new adventure and his brand new MINT EP. 

On this episode you'll hear:

  • Crater
  • Cheyenne 
  • Oh Maria

MINT will hit streaming platforms on August 23rd! You can buy it right now at IgorDeath.Bandcamp.com

Follow along on with Igor Death on Facebook & Instagram!

Thank you to the wonderful people at Roughneck Beard Company and American Rambler for their continued support of this show. Shop locally at their store in Maplewood, MO or 24/7 at RoughneckBeardCompany.com. Use my code RPP15 for 15% off all your favorite beard oils, balms, junk powder or Beard Batter!

Singer Songwriter Storytelling Showcase returns August 21st! Join us at The Focal Point in Maplewood, MO as we welcome Andy Sydow, Nick Gusman, Karen Choi & Anthony J Russo to the stage. 4 writers, 4 stools & 4 guitars in an intimate listening room setting. Tickets at TheFocalPoint.org 


Direct download: IgorDeathRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:49am CST