This week I caught up with one of my favorite Comedians Henry Phillips as he was in St.Louis for a run of shows. I've been following his career for many years and it was a lot of fun to pick his brain about some of his work like Henry's Kitchen, Punching The Clown, Silicon Valley and his new special Neither Here Nor There. 

You can catch Henry with LUDO at The Pageant in St.Louis, MO Oct 28, 29 & 30! Find more dates at 

Be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel! Find his show Highway Man, Henry's Kitchen and more on his page 

Find Henry's albums wherever you stream digital music! 

Don’t miss Debbstock 11/28/21 3pm at Old Rock House with One Way Traffic, Nick Gusman & The Coyotes, The Screechin Halts & Spankonya. All proceeds go to support those in need with Glioblastoma brain cancer. Tickets at

It’s officially beard season!  Thanks to my wonderful friends at Roughneck Beard Company for their continued support. Stop by the shop in Maplewood, MO or shop 24/7 at Use my code RPP15 for an exclusive 15% off your favorite beard oils, balms, junk powder or a personal favorite their Beard Batter! 

Direct download: HenryPhillipsRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:25am CST