Bill Streeter of Lo-Fi Saint Louis stops by to talk about all things Lo-Fi Saint Louis (of Lo-Fi Cherokee), the big release party, documentaries, other film work he does and so much more. I had a great time getting to know a little more about Bill on this episode.

Join us on May 20th at RKDE at 2720 Cherokee for the Premiere Party. Debuting all 18 videos. $5 advance or $10 at the door.  Visit for tickets.

Videos from

Pono AM

The Vigilettes

Anthony Lucius


Mt. Thelonious

Steven Deeds

Auset Music Project

Bottle Rockets

Mathias & The Pirates

Hands & Feet

The Gaslight Squares

The Defeated County

The Conformists

Super Hero Killer

SHaron Hazel Township

Eric Donte


For more information follow Lo-Fi Saint Louis on Facebook, Twitter & Instgram or


Direct download: BillStreeterRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:39am CST