Will Saulsbery of Money For Guns returns for his 3rd appearance on the show! We get into talking about their new ANOTHER SEASON IN HELL: The Gaslight Sessions EP, upcoming shows & play some live acoustic. We also talk about Eddie And The Cruisers, Everclear, Pizza vs Nachos, Chicago Bulls, just a fun conversation! Hope you enjoy this one!

See Money For Guns LIVE

9/23 in Columbia, MO at Rock N Roll River Festival on Cooper's Landing

10/27 in St.Louis, MO at Blueberry Hill in the Duck Room for their Annual Halloween Party with Foundry Field Recordings & Proper Villains.

On this episode you'll hear 2 songs from the Gaslight Sessions EP & an oldie

  • We Don't Stand A Chance (Studio)
  • A Pistol And Some Dreams (Live Acoustic)
  • The Midwest Harmonium (Live Acoustic)

Pick up some Money For Guns music on Bandcamp.com or Spotify. Physical copies at shows! Follow the band on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for more dates & information.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:03pm CST