The other night I went by to visit with Hitchcock & The Hitmen featuring Amy Armstrong. I had a great time meeting them, sharing some of their stories of how they formed & their live shows, choosing songs to cover, how they arrange some songs, working on originals and possible recording an album.

Hitchcock & The Hitmen are (Left to Right): Tom Conway, Amy Armstrong, Phil Russo & Matthew Hitchcock

We play some live acoustic songs for you. On this episode you'll hear:

  • Come Together (The Beatles)
  • Harvest Moon (Neil Young)
  • Mourning Bird's Lament (Original)
  • Royals (Lorde)

See Hitchcock & The Hitmen with Amy Armstrong at Chase Club Plaza 8-11 Friday 9/28. For more dates be sure to follow them on Facebook.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:25pm CST