Comedian/Actor Zach Noe Towers returns to the show to catch up while he was home for the holidays. We haven't spoke on the show in nearly 2.5 years. It was a great conversation about comedy, starting on his feature film Meat Market, some of our favorite Christmas movies & songs and so much more!

See Zach LIVE

Dec 26 at St.Louis Funny Bone with Nikki Glaser, Tim Convy, Sean O'Brien & more. Benefiting 2 dogs surgeries! $20 7:30

Follow Zach on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Be sure to check out his podcast Killing Time with Debra DiGiovanni & Zach Noe Towers,

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Direct download: ZachNoeTowers2RPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:18am CST