Episode 4 - Wade Trent

Singer/songwriter Wade Trent came on the show and discussed his music career, who is influences are and his music wriitng process. He also plays one of his original songs on the podcast. 

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Direct download: Episode_4-_Wade_Trent.m4a
Category:Music -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 3 - Mike Howington

Mike Howington comes on episode 3 of Rock Paper Podcast to talk about his experience doing stand-up comedy, including "naked standup." He also joins the conversation on top 3 movies, our fandom of wrestling and a variety of other fun topics. 

Direct download: Episode_3_-_Mike_Howington.m4a
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:08am CST

Episode 2 - Mike Garcia

Mike Garcia is Rock Paper Podcast's first ever guest. Mike was a contestant on American Ninja Warrior in St. Louis. He also trains at the Kor Komplex, which is the only place in Missouri that offers an official Ninja Warrior course. Mike discusses meditation, fitness and his experience trying out for American Ninja Warrior. 

Direct download: Episode_2_-_Mike_Garcias.m4a
Category:Fitness -- posted at: 11:03am CST

Episode 1 - An Introduction to Chris Bumeter and Shane Presley

In this debut episode of Rock Paper Podcast, Chris Bumeter and Shane Presley introduce themselves. They also discuss social media, the excitement of creating a new podcast and even high school reunions.

Check back every thursday for a new episode of Rock Paper Podcast with a different guest, and don't forget to subscribe. 

Direct download: Episode_1_-_Introduction.m4a
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:37am CST