Episode 73- Hobo Empire

Met up with Hobo Empire this week. Had a lot of fun talking about some crazy stories from shows, how the band came to be, and their American Nomad EP. Pick up their EP at any live shows, like May 29 at Red Fish Blue Fish or the 1st Friday of every month at RT Weiler's. 

Find more information at HoboEmpire.com & follow them on Facebook

Thanks Jimi for helping out again!

Direct download: HoboEmpireRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Episode 72- NYCE

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. I stopped by to visit my friend Devaron Davis aka Nyce to discuss his upcoming release party for his Greenhouse Effect Mixtape, Saturday Night at Cicero's. We also talk about this TV series he's working on Efflictim, which they are currently working on Season 2 . 

After the episode hear "High Tide" his new single!

Check out NyceGoHard.com for more infromation, follow him on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

See him live with his full band at Cicero's Saturday 5/30. Doors at 9. $10. Also appearing Asia Major, Shotta G, Wan Mann, and DJ Pharaoh. 

Direct download: DevaronRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Episode 71- ClusterPluck

This week I took a drive out to Collinsville, IL. My first trip across the river for a podcast interview. I met up with ClusterPluck, well 3/5 of the band. My Co-Host Jimi, Chris, Matt, Derek and myself had a lot of laughs in the is episode. The guys had some great stories of touring, how the band developed, and then play live on the show "Find My Way" from their new EP. 

See ClusterPluck live 5/27 at The Demo with Fruition & 5/30 at Old Rock House

Pick up their albums, and see more dates & information at Cluckpluck.org

Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Direct download: ClusterpluckRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Episode 70- Jordan Heimburger

Episode 70 I was able to catch up with Jordan Heimburger, Music Director for the School of Rock St.Louis. We sat and chat about the amazing young talented kids of School of Rock, their upcoming programs, and some of Jordan's music. 

See the kids of both STL schools, Kirkwood & Ballwin, perfoming live at The Pageant May 31, 2015. This show is also a fundraiser for Play It Forward & The Rock School Scholarship. RSVP here.

Follow the School of Rock on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

You can see Jordan performing with Street Fighting Band: A Rolling Stones Tribute at the Old Rock House May 29, 2015. He'll also be with The Feed June 6, 2015 at the Firebird, and with The Incurables May 22, 2015 at Off Broadway


Direct download: JordanRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:56am CST

Episode 69- Bob Biggerstaff

This week I was able to catch up with my friend Comedian Bob Biggerstaff. We discuss his start in comedy, his podcast Enjoy Guys!, and his experiences on TV and Last Comic Standing. 

Follow Bob on Twitter & Facebook. Check out BobBiggerstaff.com for all other information. Listen to his podcast and pick up his album!

Thanks again to Jimi for sitting in and helping co-host.

Direct download: BobBiggerstaffRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Episode 68- Courtland Zelle

Episode 68 we're joined by Courtland Zelle of Exit 714 and special guest host Jimi Ballesteros. This episode we did a little bit of a Storytellers show, Courtland played 3 songs and tells some of the stories around the songs. We talk about his band Exit 714's latest album Bear Dog & opening for Slash. Get to know Courtland and see him live at Steve's Hot Dogs Tower Grove June 7th at the Rock Paper Podcast Birthday Party Acoustic Brunch. 


Direct download: CourtlandZelleRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am CST

Episode 67- Jack Wiese from Brookroyal

Today's show I'm joined by Brookroyal's Jack Wiese and guest co-host Lance Lingle. We had a fun chat discussing Brookroyal's 2013 release Cycles of Life & Sound, which is available everywhere online music is sold, or you can always pick up a physical copy from Walter at CD Warehouse. We also discuss some of the collaborations of the album including Sully Erna, Dan Marsala & Clint Lowery. Jack tells the story how Brookroyal landed a deal with the St.Louis Blues recording "Bleed Blue" for the Playoffs. 

After the show stick around to hear "It's Already Over" from Cycles of Life & Sound. Keep an eye out for some Brookroyal shows late Summer or Fall. Follow them on Facebook & Twitter

Direct download: JackWieseRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am CST

Episode 66- Tony Campanella & Nick Collico

Episode 66 Shane was able to sit and talk with one of the baddest guitar slingers in St.Louis Tony Campanella. We recorded this outside of Charlack Pub so there's some background noise from the band, the crowd and the bikes. Tony brought along the bass player from Tony Campanella band, Nick Collico, who also happens to be his nephew. Tony shared a few great stories about learning to play guitar, being a big fan Mike Zito, and the origins of the year Stevie Ray Vaughn Tribute show TCB is a part of at the Pageant. 

See Tony & Nick live with the Tony Campanella Band at 1860 Saloon in Soulard, MO Saturday 5/9/15. You can also catch them with Mike Zito at Ameristar's Bottleneck Blues Bar in St.Charles, MO 5/15/15.

This episode you'll hear "One Foot In The Blues" and "Pack It Up" from TCB. 

Find more information follow the band on Facebook & Twitter.

Direct download: TonyCampanellaRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:00am CST