Episode 105- Sky Burnt White 2

The other night I was able to catch up with my buddies Gabe, Jayk, and Mario of Sky Burnt White for their return to Rock Paper Podcast. We had a great time talking about the Ink Spot Block Party (8/22 in Troy, MO), their new album coming in October, and about dinosaurs & dragons.

On this episode you'll hear "Smoke", "Isn't It?" and "Trivial Pursuits." Pick these up & all the new Sky Burnt White tunes on SkyBurntWhite.bandcamp.com 

See the guys at the 6th Annual Ink Spot Block Party in Troy, MO 8/22. You can also catch them in St.Clair, MO at Blondie's on Saturday 8/29. 


Direct download: SkyBurntWhite2RPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:05am CDT