Episode 268- The Leonas

The other night I caught up with folk duo The Leonas to talk about their new album, their release party, their name, how they met and so much more.

On this episode you'll hear clips of 2 songs from their new album FORBIDDEN FRUIT including the title track "Forbidden Fruit" & "Mushroom Lullaby" then closing out the show you'll hear "What Are You Waiting For?"

Grab a copy of FORBIDDEN FRUIT on LeonasMusic.com, Bandcamp & ITunes on Friday 8/19.

See them LIVE

8/19 at Blank Space Album Release Party

9/7 at Gaslight with Dagmar

Listen on ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, TuneIn or ROCKPAPERPODCAST.com

Direct download: TheLeonasRPP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:52am CST